Wednesday, August 14, 2024


You know how Alex Jones praises Teddy Roosevelt as, "the man in the arena"?

The problem is that Teddy's uncle, James Dunwoody Bulloch, ran the Confederate Secret Service out of Liverpool during the US Civil War.

Teddy deeply loved his uncle, James. But did he know that James was the head of the Confederate Secret Service? Hard to believe that he didn't.

Another problem is that Alex's ancestors fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army in order to preserve slavery.

And another problem is that Alex's ancestors also worked for and with The Godfather of the Confederacy, Andrew Jackson. Jackson was one of the largest and most powerful slaveholders in The United States. It was Jackson who began the forced removal of native Americans from states who would later join the Confederacy. The native Americans were transfered west of the Mississippi. During this forced removal tens of thousands of native Americans died. This was called, The Trail of Tears. Their ancestral lands were sold to planters who built plantations which were worked by slaves to produce cotton.

And another problem is that Alex claims that his ancestors were instrumental in establishing The Republic of Texas in 1836. Texas was created out of a rebellion by white European settlers in Mexico who rebelled against Mexico because Mexico banned slavery. Texas was a slave state. Jackson lobbied for Texas to be admitted into The United States. But as soon as there was a rebellion over preserving slavery, Texas seceded to join The Confederate States of America in treason.

Here's Teddy on Bulloch:

 "There was an uncle of mine, now dead, my mother' s brother, who has always been among all the men I have ever met the man who, it seemed to me, came nearest to typifying in the flesh that most beautiful of all characters in fiction, Thackeray's Colonel Newcome—my uncle, James Dunwoody Bulloch, an admiral in the Confederate navy."

There's a difference between being an admiral and head of the Secret Service. 

Did Teddy know that Bulloch was the head of the Confederate Secret Service?

See :  Remarks in Capitol Square in Richmond, Virginia

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