
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

BBC To expose Israel's nuclear capabilities?

Why would the BBC, the mouthpiece of the New World Order, expose the nuclear capabilities of Israel?

I am suspicious of this because the Zionist movement that eventually bombed its way to creating Israel in 1948 is a British tool. The Zionist movement really took off around 1840 with Lord Palmerston and a few others. By this time the Rothschilds were in control of British finances. Herzl did not publish Der Judensaat until over 50 years later, after the Rothschilds had saved several Zionist settlelments in the then Palestine.

BBC Newsnight also revealed recently that the British had given Israel quite a lot of heavy water which is required for nuclear processing.

I can only think this is inciting mistrust and possibly hatred of Israel, and the USA.


British program uncovers Israel’s secret nuclear plans
1/2/2006 9:00:00 PM GMT

The Israeli government plans to protest a BBC national program about Israel's nuclear program. Dubbed “Israel’s secret weapons”, the program mainly focuses on the international community’s double standards in dealing with Israel’s unconventional weapons, according to an article on Israel’s Haaretz daily.

The program, to be aired next Sunday, shows that Israeli occupation forces used some form of unidentified chemical weapons on Palestinian civilians in February 2001. It also reveals Israel’s efforts to cover up its work on unconventional weapons, mainly referring to whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu, who served an 18-year prison term for disclosing classified information about the country’s nuclear program at the Dimona nuclear reactor, and the trial of Brig. Gen. (res.) Yitzhak Yoav, who was convicted of showing two unpublished book manuscripts, one fictional and the other a memoir, to unauthorized people.

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