
Monday, February 27, 2006


The movie "Syriana" starring George Clooney and based on CIA Rob Baer opens this weekend. The executive producer is Steven Soderbergh, and the screenplay is by Stephen Gaghan.

Soderbergh directed "Traffic" which won Oscars for Best Film and Best Director in 2001. Stephen Gaghan wrote the screenplay for "Traffic" and won an oscar for that too.

"Syriana" brings together this Oscar-winning team.

What else happened in 2001? On September 11th? 9/11?

In "Traffic" towards the end of the film there is a scene in which a dead Mexican general and a plane full of drugs has been found. In the foreground of this scene there are a number of boxes each with "9/11" stamped on them and in full view throughout the scene. What is the point in that? Were they sending a message to us?

Was this just coincidence?

George Clooney also starred in a "Three Kings" which was about a war in Iraq and lots of looting and stealing going on. "Three Kings" was released before the war on Iraq, indeed before 9/11.

There are other 9/11 coincidences.

Another film released in 2001 was "Pearl Harbour". This contained lots of 9's and 11's. By this I mean there were numbers such 234 which when added as 2+3+4 = 9. The particular scene I find interesting is the scene in which Pearl Harbour has been attacked and our two heroes Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett find some planes and take-off in them to shoot down the Japanese. The numbers on their planes are 306 and 308.
3+0+6 = 9.
3+0+8 = 11.

The Project for a New American Century published a document called "Rebuilding America's Defences" which went on about the need for America to significantly increase the strength and technological capability of the US military, and to also mould the world into one that suits America i.e. pretty much what America is trying to do now. However, in that document PNAC said that such action would take a long time unless there was "another Pearl Harbour". Well, lucky them! They got that on 9/11.

Another 9/11 coincidence occurs in "Enemy of the State" starring John Voight. Voight plays a renegade spook using NSA facilities for his evil purposes. His birthdate is on 11th September 1940, or 9/11/40. We see this when the NSA computer is hacked and Voight's characters details are listed on the VDU. It is thought that what is actually occuring and happened on 9/11 is that organisations such as the NSA were and are being used by an evil cabal for their private gains, so this is actually quite disturbing that a film released in 1998 would be using a character whose birthday is on 9/11 shows what happened on 9/11.

But back to "Syriana". Clooney starred in a film about looting Iraq which was released four years before the invasion of Iraq. Gaghan and Soderbergh received Oscars for a film they created in 2001 which had boxes with 9/11 in the foreground of a particular scene.

Plus it now looks like Iran and Russia may be coming to some sort of agreement over the processing of uranium.

The document "A Clean Break" listed Syria and Lebanon as targets for destabilisation and regime change. A week or so ago I noticed a few posts and articles starting to appear about Iraq's alleged WMD being secreted out of Iraq to Syria and Lebanon under the watchful eyes of the US spy satellites in 2002/early 2003.

So who knows...

Is it Syria?

Or is it Iran?

"Irana" doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?

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