
Sunday, February 19, 2006


It is perhaps the best known secret that Israel has the nuke.

For years now the Arab states in the Middle East have been calling for a nuke-free Middle East. Iran is currently under pressure for restarting nuclear research which it voluntarily stopped. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is not.

The Strategic Studies Institute of the Army War College has recently published a report entitled “Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran”, in which the research group authoring the report states that they believe that Arab states in the Middle East have shown interest in non-conventional weapons as a method of countering Israel's nukes.

The authors also believe that if Israel would "de-nuke" then tensions in the Middle East would decrease dramatically. The authors also suggest that the US government put pressure on Israel to "de-nuke".

So who are the authors of this devastating report?

The Strategic Studies Institute of the Army War College is a training ground for the “best and the brightest” among up-and-coming military officers of the USA!

It comes as no surprise that this report has not been mentioned in the US mainstream media.


Israel: Give Up Your Nukes

Army War College Analysts Believe that Iran Would Abandon Nuclear Program if Israel Did

A report recently published by the distinguished U.S. Army War College has publicly targeted Israel’s controversial—but officially nonexistent—arsenal of nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

In the wake of a growing American media cacophony about Iran’s purported aims of building its own nuclear arsenal—“news” that has largely been stimulated by bellicose rhetoric in Israel itself—the Strategic Studies Institute of the Army War College, which is a training ground for the “best and the brightest” among up-and-coming military officers, has taken quite a different approach.

The college’s report—which has never once been publicized in the major media in America—says that neither talk of a military attack on Iran by Israel nor ongoing American diplomatic initiatives are likely to stop Iran from pursuing its goals. Either course could result in disaster, said America’s military strategists.

Instead, the report, titled “Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran,” says, quite in contrast, that it is Israel that should take the initiative.

The American military officers say that Israel should close down its Dimona nuclear reactor, turn over nuclear materiel to a third party, and allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to maintain regular inspection of Israel’s nuclear operations. The report urges the United States to put pressure on Israel to make this possible.

America’s military thinkers believe that if Israel were to curtail its nuclear offensive, the United States would be more easily able to convince other nuclear states in the Middle East to do likewise. It is, in fact, a historic truth that it was Israel’s determined push for nuclear weapons—a documented foundation of that nation’s geopolitical defense policy—that led Arab nations, Pakistan and Iran to pursue nuclear weapons in response.

Israel was born in sin. The founders of Israel were terrorists. But the people at the top of Zionism do not care for Jews, otherwise they would have paid Hitler the ransom he wanted for Jews. Instead many Jews were slaves and murdered.

So why would these top Zionists allow their Jewish bretheren to die?

The truth is they are not Jews, but are using Jews in Israel to anger Arab states into terrorism and pursuit of WMD. The support that the USA also gives Israel adds to this. So Israel was GIVEN the nuke, and the states surrounding Israel are angered.

Under what circumstances would Israel use the nuke?

Does Israel, under stress from the suicide bombings etc, have a twitchy nuke-trigger finger?

To get an idea of how Israel is to be used, imagine a new flag of Israel. Instead of the Star of David between two lines imagine a target, such as you would find in archery.

Below is my suggestion for the new flag of Israel.

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