
Saturday, April 01, 2006


The Times is reporting that Britain brought Iranians into Iraq

The full and small article on this needs to be quoted in its entirety to understand the manipulation of a civil war to blamed on Iran that the British are trying to arrange so that yet more pressure can be brought onto Iran. Remember the claims surfacing last year that Iran was meddling in Iraq and supplying infrared devices for roadside bombs. We now know that Iran was brought into Iraq by Britain, and that the infrared devices were put into the terrorist hands via a joint operation between the FBI and MI5 via Kevin Fulton.


Iranian militiamen were brought in by Britain
By Dominic Kennedy

MILITIAMEN from an Iranian-backed force were deliberately recruited by Britain to join the new Iraqi security services after Saddam Hussein was overthrown, the Government has admitted.
The sectarian Badr organisation, trained in exile by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, is suspected of violently pursuing its own agenda after being allowed to enlist in national units. John Reid, the Defence Secretary, disclosed in a Commons written answer to the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price that it had been official policy to welcome the Shia gunmen. “Following the end of the conflict in Iraq, the Coalition Provision Authority sought to reintegrate militia members into civil society,” Mr Reid said. “This process included members of the Badr organisation, formerly known as the Badr Corps, among others.”

Sunnis have accused the Badr organisation of torturing prisoners, a claim rejected by the Shia-dominated Government. Bayar Jabor, the Interior Minister, was a member of the militia. The organisation’s stronghold is southern Iraq, where British troops have been based since the war.

1 comment:

  1. You should be asking,..How many Iranian backed gunmen are in Europe, especially England?
    You may find out one day, not so far away.
    I predict that you will have little time, then, to add the numbers in old movies.
    How many times have you seen the number 23 in movies?
    It's called a "convention."
    Movie types r superstitious little luvvies. mmwah!
