
Sunday, July 23, 2006


Well, it's becoming crystal clear that this Hizb Allah v Israel conflict is being used as an excuse to get to Iran. This was set out in the 20th September 2001 letter from the warmongering PNAC to the gimp in The White House.

Now The Sunday Telegraph, which was owned by Bilderberg Conrad Black's Hollinger with Kissinger on the board, is now joining in the calls to strike at Iran.


The Iranian Hydra has many heads. The ayatollahs sponsor militias and political movements across the Muslim world and beyond. Hezbollah is, in reality, the Lebanese branch of the Islamic Revolution. Lop off that head and another will grow in its place. It is in Teheran that the monster's heart beats.

Israel is right to want to degrade its enemies' infrastructure. A return to the status quo ante would mean a return to constant, low-level war - something which is in no one's interest. Israel wants not only to lop off the Hydra's head but to cauterise the wound; that is, to push the terrorists out of range of its cities.

This aim is understandable and laudable. But, as long as Iran goes unchecked, defeating Hezbollah can only ever mean a temporary truce.

...The policy of appeasement has failed; it is time to try coercion.

This does not necessarily mean the direct use of military force: there are many intermediate steps, including targeted sanctions, the seizure of assets and the sponsoring of opposition movements. But leaving Teheran unmolested will mean more Hezbollahs, more terrorism and, ultimately, more wars.

So basically what this suggests is, let's have a war to stop another war.

There is no attempt to question the right of Israel to exist, the way Israel terrorized the Palestinians into fleeing to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the expansion of the Jewish settlements in Israel, from a handful of villages supported by the Rothschilds to the war machine it is now, and the torture and imprisonment without charge or trial of Palestinians. No question of all this, which is the source of resentment and anger. Everyone and their goldfish knows it.

No, instead we have warmongers in their luxurious appartments and mansions 'playing' at war, manipulating the friction that Israel was built to create.

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