
Thursday, January 18, 2007


In Bangalore, India yesterday Gordon Brown called for a New World Order. Brown said,

“We can help to build things and shape this new world order and shape it in a way that is good for Britain and British values.”

...The post-1945 system of international institutions — built for a world of sheltered economies and just 50 states — is not yet broken, but for a world of 200 states and an open globalisation, urgently in need of modernisation and reform.”

Millions of men, women and children died to get those institutions created and accepted in the first place for the benefit of a self-selected chosen few who awarded themselves the power to create vast quantities of paper money to finance the two world wars that led to the creation of those institutions in order for them to exerise more control over the world.

And look at that world.

Now Brown is suggesting that those institutions be strengthened!?

Brown attended Bilderberg in 1991, and later became Chancellor of the Exchequer under Bilderberger Blair, and an authority in the IMF as Chairman of the International Monetary and Financial Committee.


Gordon Brown has called for a “new world order”, to be achieved by reorganising international institutions including the United Nations and Nato.

In a marked change of tone after years in which Tony Blair has been criticised for being too close to President Bush, the Chancellor emphasised the importance of working multinationally. And, in an agenda that would involve overhauling virtually all the world’s big organisations, he promised that he would put Britain’s interests and values at their heart.

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