
Thursday, March 15, 2007


KSM has apparently confessed to 9/11, A to Z, among other things.

The transcript of the closed hearing to determine his enemy combatant status has been released. Why? It's OK to release a transcript of a closed hearing, but not see or hear it, or even prosecute him in a court of law?

During the stitch-up of George Galloway "they" tried to put words in Tariq Aziz's mouth and published a confession allegedly from Taziz which alleged Galloway was on Saddam's payroll. Galloway's lawyer immediately spoke to Aziz who strongly denied saying what "they" had written he had said.

So I cannot trust this transcript 100%.

However, assuming the transcript is a genuine record of events from the weekend there are a few comments to make;
claim 3, in which he admits planning the attack on the WTC 1993.
claim 27, in which he admits planning Bojinka.

The 1993 WTC attack was allowed to happen, and was actually assisted by the FBI.

Bojinka was thwarted, but investigation led to the discovery that as far back as 1995 terrorists were planning on hijacking planes and flying them into buildings. This contradicts everything that Rice, Cheney, and all the rest said when they claimed using hijacked planes as WMD had never been suspected. When this is added to the claims of Sibel Edmonds and others, several military officers, AG Ashcroft and Mayor Willie Brown (from Rice herself!) receiving warnings not to fly on commercial aircraft on or around 9/11, then we at least have a LIHOP scenario.

I have always believed that there are terrorist plots out there, but not in the number we are told, and that they reflect a genuine hatred of the USA, Israel and the UK, and they are caused to some degree by our foreign policies (probably as a deliberate provocation) and because we gave the terrorists shelter and assistance in allowing them to spread their hatred.

I have always believed that there are good intelligence agents and bad intelligence agents who have the power to stop or permit terrorist acts occuring, either on their own initiative or from a direct order.

I have always believed that there are ignorant politicians who will look no further than the BBC for their news and analysis of it, and cannot understand how terrorist acts can be allowed to happen by intelligence agencies if it would help a particular agenda, or they do understand but don't want to know for fear of what an investigation may reveal in all its glory.

But now perhaps the FBI can explicitly list 9/11 as a crime for which bin Laden is wanted?

Or maybe even KSM will be proescuted in a court of law so we can find out how 9/11 was done, and then perhaps we can begin to understand how the greatest military and intelligence apparatus in the world failed in (a) detecting and (b) preventing the attacks on that murdered September day.

I say, if KSM has really confessed to 9/11 in such an open way then get him in a court of law IMMEDIATELY to tell us all under oath how the 9/11 operation was organised.

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