
Friday, April 27, 2007


Last Sunday we saw The Sunday Times be used, wittingly or unwittingly, to spread the gospel that al-Qaeda in Iraq is in cahoots with al-Qaeda in Iran to nuke GB. Upon further scrutiny though the article proclaiming such a bold statement was based on "may" and "could be", but the idea was firmly planted in the mass psyche by the shock statement; al-Qaeda is now based in Iran.

So when I read that Prince Harry is to be sent to Iraq I wonder. Why is a Prince of the realm to be sent into an area in which it is now indisputable he will be Prime Target #1 for thousands of very angry insurgents who have shown their fondness for decapitation?

I detest the warmongers who send others into war for personal gain, be it power, money, both or more, while they and their families stay thousands of miles away from the bloodshed. But I think this is the first time I will support a member of the Royal family NOT to be sent into the battle. In most circumstances I'd say "get the warmmongers and their families on the frontline." But not this time.

We know the sort of people who sent the military into Iraq, Afghanistan and are now increasingly desperate for a war on Iran, particularly after Kucinich submitted articles of impeachment against Cheney this week.

My concern derives from the propaganda coup on both sides if Harry is (a) captured, and (b) killed on video, or even simply killed by one of those shape charges the military is fond of telling us about. Imagine the feeling such an event could create in the West, particularly here, and even in the USA. And with the slick propaganda machine the killing could be quickly linked to Iran in the minds of a shocked and angry public looking for revenge (a la 9/11).

But would Harry be knowingly sacrificed? I would not put it beyond certain people to run such a risk. I have hopefully shown some that there is a force of darkness, with a base in our Royal family, which was prepared to kickstart and profit from WW1, WW2 and is trying kickstart a devastating WW3. There is some doubt about Harry's lineage. If he is not a Windsor, I believe there are some who would manipulate to get Harry into a danger zone where his kidnap and beheading could then be used for war, and with the recent reference to "al-Qaeda in Iran" last Sunday, Iran would be blamed somehow. thus killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.



‘Dry run’ attack forces Prince Harry retreat
Michael Evans, Defence Editor, and James Hider in Baghdad

Army chiefs fear that a fatal attack on two British soldiers in Iraq last week was a dry run for an attempt on Prince Harry’s life, The Times has learnt.

The attack was made on a type of vehicle that the Prince will use, and took place in a part of the country where he is due to be deployed as early as next month. The two died when their Scimitar reconnaissance vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb – the first time that British soldiers had been killed in a Scimitar as a result of enemy action.

The Army fears that extremists deliberately chose the vehicle knowing that the Prince is a troop leader for a Scimitar-equipped unit.

Prince Harry faces a kidnap threat from insurgents, who have become active this month even within bases used by the British Army in southern Iraq. Security has been tightened at Camp Sparrowhawk, a base in Maysan Province used by reconnaissance units such as Prince Harry’s.

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