
Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Shortly after the succesful prosecutions of Khyam and four others in Operation Crevice some interesting information leaked out about who knew what and when regarding the London 7/7 bombs. The media was full of accusations and the public were becoming restless; did MI5 know the bombers and of the plot, or not?

Just as these questions were being discussed in every Post Office, Public House and Whore House across the nation, the news was broken that a young 3 year old girl had been abducted on Algarve. This news was accompanied by the interesting news that the widow of the alleged ringleader of 7/7 had been arrested along with three men.

She was released yesterday, and her release was mentioned only in passing by a handful of media, despite the fanfare afforded to her arrest.

About the same time she was released the news was broken that a Briton in a love triangle had been questioned and his computer and videos seized for investigation, despite him having an alibi that he was with his mother at the time Madeleine is suspected of being abducted, and he strongly protests his innocence.

So, when the public are becoming alerted to the possibility that its Security Service knew more than it let on about 7/7 there are two stories given the spotlight; a young girl is abducted and subsequently a man with an alibi is prime suspect, and the widow of the 7/7 manager MSK is arrested and released without charge at the same time that an apparently unlikely prime suspect is found in the abduction of Madeleine.


On Madeleine, this morning on BBC Radio 5 Live Richard Bacon's debate was about what makes us so concerned about Madeleine. Plenty of people phoned in and said it's a parents worst nightmare etc. But some scpetics also pointed to the seriously biased coverage when by now thousands of children will have died from poverty and easily-treated diseases. But they don't matter because they're black and thousands of miles away...

We really are an easy bunch to manipulate, aren't we? That's why it's so important to them that we don't have a free press. The USA resisted the greatest fraud ever foisted upon mankind for over 100 years, The Federal Reserve, until the bankers had bought enough of the media and could manipulate public opinion with lies, spin, etc.

They'll have us working towards and paying for our own slavery next! Ooops, I forgot. They're doing that already...

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