
Monday, May 28, 2007


Two dumb cops are walking down the street, and see someone they suspect may be a terrorist.

Dumb Cop #1: Excuse me, sir. Could we ask you a question?
man: Yes, officer.
Dumb Cop #2: We watched you walking down the street a few minutes ago and you looked very suspicious to us.
(concerned) man: Why? What was I doing?
Dumb Cop #1: Well, sir. You stopped to talk to somebody for a minute, and it looked to us like it was a planned meeting rather than a casual unplanned meeting. Who was he? Are you hiding something in your plastic carrier bag?
(now very concerned) man: It was a complete stranger, asking me what the time was, and for some spare change for a cup of tea. And no, I am not hiding something in my bag. It is some carrots, a broccoli and some chicken breast.
Dumb Cop #2: Put the bag down, sir, very carefully and step away from it towards that doorway, please.
(nervous) man: Officer, please stop this ridiculous questioning. I have not done, and do not intend to do, anything wrong, illegal or even suspicious. Now, can I go home to see my elderly mother for whom I am cooking dinner?
Dumb Cop #1: No sir. We have reason to suspect that you do not have a broccoli in your bag. Please put the bag down, and move away.
[Dumb Cop #2 now reaches for his taser]
man: Aw, c'mon. This is rid...
[Dumb Cop #2 then fires his taser at the man. The man then falls to the ground in great pain, but still clutching his plastic carrier bag containing the suspicious broccoli].
man: Aaaaagh!!!
Dumb Cop #1: [shouting] Put the bag down! Release the fucking bag, NOW!
[Dumb cop #1 then fires his taser at the already convulsing man]
[after a few seconds the man stops convulsing and lies motionless on the ground. A broccoli rolls out of the plastic carrier bag]
(now dead) man: [silence]
Dumb Cop #2: Oh no. Not again. Why can't people just behave normally? We are only trying to protect them.
Dumb Cop #1: Ah well. That's one less of 'em to question!
[Dumb Cop #1 then kicks the broccoli back into the plastic carrier bag and with a wry smile requests an ambulance over his radio].


As with the microchip implant, this is where we are heading. Very nervous, trigger happy police using non-lethal weapons to terrorise the general population over something as simple as a fresh, organic broccoli.

By the way, was the man a troublsome conspiracy theorist who saw through the false-flag state-sponsored terrorism? And were the cops really dumb cops?

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