
Sunday, June 24, 2007


Professor Paul Taggart, Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics and Contemporary European Studies at the University of Sussex. His subject appears to be Euro-scepticism and how to overcome it? No doubt some words of his were passed down to fellow Bilderbergers Blair, Merkel and the rest of the traitors to humanity in Brussels last week when they were agreeing a constitution by the backdoor.



Paul Taggart is Professor of Politics in the Sussex European Institute, former Editor of the journal Politics, co-Convenor (with Prof. Aleks Szczerbiak) of the European Referendums, Elections and Parties Network (EPERN). He has been a visiting scholar at the Universities of Gothenberg and Sarajevo and is a visiting scholar at the Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University.

European political parties; Euroscepticism; the domestic politics of European integration; populism

* Research Skills and Methods
* Professional and Analytical Research Methods
* Comparative Politics of Western Europe
* Comparative Political Parties and Party Systems
* Comparative Method
* Politics of Governance: USA
* Foundations of Politics


'Europeanisation, Euroscepticism and Party Systems: Party-Based Euroscepticism in the Candidate States of Central and Eastern Europe' Perspectives on European Politics and Society 2002 Vol.3, No.1, pp.23-41. (with Aleks Szczerbiak)

'Populism and the Pathology of Representative Politics' in Yves Meny and Yves Surel (eds.) Democracies and the Populist Challenge Palgrave, 2002.

'The Party Politics of Euroscepticism in EU Member and Candidate States' OERN Working Paper No 6, April 2002(with Aleks Szczerbiak).

¿Parties, Positions and Europe: Euroscepticism in the EU Candidate States of Central and Eastern Europe¿ OERN Working Paper No 2, May 2001.(with Aleks Szczerbiak)

'Opposing Europe: Party Systems and Opposition to the Union, the Euro and Europeanisation' Sussex European Institute Working Paper No.36. 2000

Populism Open University Press, 2000

'A Touchstone of Dissent: Euroscepticism in Contemporary Western European Party Systems' European Journal of Political Research 1998 Vol.33: 363-388

The New Populism and the New Politics : new protest parties in Sweden in a comparative perspective. Macmillan, London. 1996

"New populist parties in Western Europe." West European Politics. 18:1 1995.


Paul Taggart and Aleks Szczerbiak ¿Contemporary Euroscepticism in the Party Systems of the EU Candidate States of Central and Eastern Europe ¿ European Journal of Political Research forthcoming 2004

Paul Taggart and Aleks Szczerbiak (eds.) Opposing Europe? The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism: Volume 1: Case Studies and Country Surveys (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2004)

Paul Taggart and Aleks Szczerbiak (eds.) Opposing Europe? The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism: Volume 2: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2004)

Paul Taggart and Aleks Szczerbiak ¿Supporting the Union? Euroscepticism and Domestic Politics of European Integration¿ in Maria Green Cowles and Desmond Dinan (ed.) Developments in the European Union 2 (Palgrave, forthcoming, 2004)

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