
Saturday, June 09, 2007


The widow of Alexander Litvinenko has recently published a book with Alex Goldfarb, "Death of a Dissident". In the chapter The Robber Baron we catch a glimpse of the psyche of Berezovsky, and his attitude to Great Britain.

I quote from P46,47;


I tried to respond politely to Berezovsky's quip. El Mirador, Soros' summer home, is a lovely Mexican-style hacienda in Southampton on Long Island. The best I could manage was, "There is some resemblance, although the building is in a different style."
"Well, as soon as we are done with the elections, we'll deal with real estate", Berezovsky replied. "I'd like to invite Mr. Soros to my dacha when he is next in Moscow. We need to learn from him. The way he shorted the pound, what an outrageous guy, top-notch!" [TTS: read that bit again, several times]

Berezovsky was referring to September 16, 1992, a.k.a. Black Wednesday, when Soros played against the British government on currency markets around the world, forced the British to devaluate the pound, and made a billion dollars in a day. This earned him the sobriquet "the man who broke the Bank of England".


Here we see Berezovsky expressing his admiration for someone who financially attacked our country, devalued our currency, and made a billion dollars at the same time. The man has no loyalty to anyone or anything except money.

WTF is this man doing in our country, taking centre stage on QT and verbally and financially attacking a well-armed nuclear country from London?

And more importantly, WHO IS ALLOWING HIM?

Perhaps Berezovsky is MI6.

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