
Wednesday, August 22, 2007


It was reported yesterday that two Russian Bears entered British airspace last Friday 17th. The Sun says so.

Yet The Washington Post says the Bears were tailed in international airspace. Two Typhoons were scrambled (?!) when two Bears were headed towards British airspace.

So who flexed their muscles?

For Russia to violate British airspace would be absolute insanity, and would simply serve to portray Russia as the careless aggressor.

So if their mission wasn't to violate British airspace, what was it?

Was it to fly around in international airspace, albeit close to British airspace? And if so, what were the Typhoons doing tailing the bears in international airspace?

It does all seem a little bit like boys with toys.

The Sun quotes one anonymous military expert:
“Putin is playing a dangerous game. If the RAF were to shoot one of these things down it could quickly escalate to an unthinkable level.”

There are some on this side of the North Sea who would love nothing more than a confrontation with Russia, so they could drag the USA into it.

The Sun also quotes an RAF spokesman:
“The plane was on a heading that gave a cause for concern. Our response was in accordance with NATO guidelines.”

If the Bears were deliberately placed on a path that would provoke such a response and NATO guidelines to be followed then someones Russian arse needs kicking.

We don't need silly shit like this.

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