
Monday, October 15, 2007


Yesterday morning I posted the following comment to an article from Simon Jenkins,
"The biggest threat to the West lies within itself, not with Islam" at


"In both Washington and London are leaders who have so little confidence in democracy as to regard it as vulnerable to a few madmen, and who have so little respect for democracy’s freedoms as to suspend them at the bang of a bomb."

Who do you think is planting the bombs then?

Operation Gladio was a NATO-run state-sanctioned terrorist operation to blame Communists.
Pearl Harbour was provoked and allowed.
The lies of 9/11 are crumbling faster than the WTC towers in a controlled demolition.
And still there has been no inquiry into London 7/7 despite MI5 lying that the alleged bombers were 'clean skins' when they were under surveillance.

Terror is a political tool. No doubt there are genuine attacks by people disillusioned by corrupt political processes. But this also creates opportunities for the state to give these people bombs and capitalise on the shock and horror of the aftermath.

The current global turmoil stems from 9/11.

9/11 was an inside job!

9/11 was an inside job!


As of 0651 this morning the comment has not been posted, despite 28 others being posted.

Again, who is censoring?

This is not a post in defence of Russia's sovereignty, but a post about state-sponsored terrorism.

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