
Tuesday, October 09, 2007


She was a critic of Putin and his Russia.

She was shot outside her appartment.

It was on Putin's birthday, so people alleged Putin had put out a hit order on her as a birthday present. Alexander Litvinenko was one who joined the chorus.

Not so, says Dmitry A. Muratov, the Editor-in-Chief of the paper Novaya Gazeta, who has been working closely with the investigation into her murder.

This brings back into question as to why, with yet another false allegation he made along with the "Russia runs al-Qaeda" and "Russia was behind 9/11" and all the other incredible allegations Litvinenko made, Putin would put out a hit order on Litvinenko and have him killed on British soil in such a photogenic manner that his enemies could splash images of a melting Litvinenko pointing his accusing finger at Putin all over the world's media?

Let's face it, they are scared of Putin's Russia. Russia was under British control since 1917. During that time Russia was sent to death camps and killed in the millions by Rothschild employee Stalin, and later economically raped via capitalist gangsters connected to the Rothschilds who have since relocated to London or Israel.

It's going to take time to sort Russia out, to dismantle criminal networks, corruption etc.

Just like it will here, the USA etc.



Mr. Muratov said that Mr. Putin’s rule had allowed a climate in which journalists have been killed with impunity but that he did not believe that Mr. Putin had put out Ms. Politkovskaya’s murder for hire, as some Kremlin detractors have suggested.

“The power has created a climate in which journalists are enemies, democracy is not an efficient way of management or rule, and the special services are a new ruling class, a ruling elite, to which everything is permitted,” he said.


What is Putin doing that gives him 80% ratings with Russians, while in the British, American press he is portrayed as a demon?

Yes, Saddam had 100% rating. But Saddam had a brutal police state (supported with a little help from the West), with terrible torture prisons, mass executions, spies under every speck of dust listening in on the briefest of conversations ready to arrest at the smallest hint of dissent.

What we have to grasp is the FACT that Russia is fighting enemies with virtually unlimited quantities of money from The Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank, drugs, human trafficking etc, you know, the satanic scum of the earth. I don't think Russia can be opened up immediately. There is some realpolitik going on in Russia (I hope). Nearly a century of British control cannot be undone overnight.

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