
Friday, October 12, 2007


The Times is more anti-Russian than most British newspapers, and repeatedly prints articles that mock Russian democracy and attack the freedom, or lack thereof, of the press in Russia. Unsurprisingly, no mention is made by The Times of Bilderberg and its sponsors and controllers who select our leaders at their clandestine meetings. And they repeatedly do not print my comments on articles they publish on their website.

The Times is not the only one to enforce such censorship of my comments.

Why? What am I saying that deserves such censorship? But perhaps more importantly, who is deciding which comments are posted?

For example, yesterday morning I submitted the following comment to their article about the chief of the FSB alleging British intent in destabilising and dismantling the Russian empire, at


Kasparov's "The Other Russia" is seriously financed and controlled by Anglo-Americans, including the corrupt and greedy National Endowment for Democracy, and lists the British Ambassador to Russia as a member!

The Eurasia Foundation, recipient of alleged MI6 cash via Marc Doe, is even more controlled by the Anglo-American Establishment that thinks all the world’s natural resources and people belong to it and are at their disposal.

To think that MI6 would not attempt to recruit Berezovsky and thus his contacts network in Russia is naive. Why is he here? His recruitment was probably part of the deal.

There is no doubt the UK and USA are interfering in internal Russian politics. The question is, should we?


As of 0725 this morning that comment has not been published.

This censorship of my comments in British online media is occuring more and more frequently, the same British press that attacks freedom of the press in Russia.

Can anyone smell the putrid stench of corrupt hypocrisy?

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