
Monday, October 22, 2007


I am reading Norman Baker's hypothesis in The Daily Mail on the death of Dr David Kelly, and find it much more credible than the findings of the Freemasonic Hutton Inquiry.

However, Baker's conclusion is interesting; that British Intelligence knew of a plot by angry opponents of Saddam to kill Kelly, but were just too late, and decided to cover it up but at risk of implicating themselves.

As on 9/11, the USAF arrived at the WTC just too late, and the fighters based at Andrews AFB were scrambled just too late.

The unexplained Operation Mason is very damning evedience that someone knew something was about to happen.

Baker has received this information regarding the opponents of Saddam from a well-placed source, apparently. But Baker goes on to speculate that Kelly was killed with great expertise and professionalism, even proposing that blood was sucked out of his body to kill him. If a gang of angry opponents of Saddam did kill Kelly then where did they get that expertise? Did they use methods developed by the CIA?

There is a possibility that this "murderous gang of opponents of Saddam" is bogus and a red herring to deflect criticism and investigation into Kelly's murder. If such a gang did execute the murder then they did so with the aid of factions within British and American Intelligence, through either logistics or finance or even method of execution, maybe all three.

One thing is for sure. I will support Norman Baker in his quest. His one man investigation is making much more sense.

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