
Thursday, December 06, 2007


There is an interesting report in The Daily Mail today about lawyers.

The headline that caught my eye was "Female partner at leading solicitors had threesome with two young trainees".

This caught my eye because kids read the internet, right?

I can see a number of conversations along the lines of

"Mummy? Daddy? What's a threesome?".
"Well, it's where three..."

But the last couple of paragraphs is where the real story is.

The report is actually based on a survey of lawyers in the annual Christmas quiz set by lawyers' magazine Legal Business.

The last paragraph of the report is
"Our quiz seems to suggest that morality levels in the legal profession are directly linked to earnings, with one decreasing as the other increases."

There are very highly paid men and women lawyers in The City of London and Wall Street prepared to stand up for and protect the world war mongers and creaters of genocidal economic programs.

Paul Weller while in The Style Council wrote the following lyrics for "The Whole Point of No Return", which contains the following line

The laws made for and by the rich

Why is the law made for and by the rich?
Why are they rich in the first place?

Because the banking system gives them power to create virtually unlimited quantities of money, to pay greedy and traitors-to-the-human-race lawyers to write up and defend the law.

That threesome is nowhere near the immorality of the top lawyers.

"The Whole Point of No Return" by The Style Council

The lords and ladies pass a ruling
That sons and girls go hand in land
From good stock and the best breeding
Paid for by the servile class
Who have been told all lie in state
To bow down forth and face their fate
Its so easy.
So, so easy

All righteousness did build thy arrow
To shoot it straight into their lies
Who would expect the mighty sparrow
Could rid our world of all their kind?

Rising up and taking back
The property of every man
Oh its easy.
So, so easy

Rising up to break this thing
From family trees the dukes do swing
Just one blow to scratch the itch
The laws made for and by the rich
It would be easy.
So, so easy.

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