
Thursday, February 21, 2008


Early this week The Times cried that the nationalised Northern Rock should not exercise its legal right to create 'new money', thereby giving the other banks an 'unfair advantage'.

Today The Times is calling for the inquest into the death of Diana to be scrapped now that ten MI6 officers are to be called as witnesses.

The coroner must have some interest in what these witnesses could say, and yet here is the The Times crying that the inquest be stopped before the coroner hears their evidence.




Coroner urged to end Diana ‘circus’
Diana, Princess of Wales

The inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, has been criticised for its cost as well as its worth

The coroner hearing the inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, faced demands last night that he bring it to a close after it emerged that ten members of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service, have been summoned to give evidence.

Senior peers and MPs called on Lord Justice Scott Baker to reconsider his decision. Whitehall officials said that they were astonished that ten MI6 officers had been requested to appear.

Lord Foulkes of Cumnock, a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee, said: “I think it’s a total waste of time and money. The extraordinary performance of [Mohamed Al] Fayed has turned the whole thing into a circus.”

The presence of the officers was requested by lawyers for Mr Al Fayed. Lord Foulkes said that they had no option but to appear. He added: “I think the coroner should now seriously consider stopping the inquest.”

The unprecedented appearance of so many MI6 officers at a legal hearing is due to take place next week. Sir John Adye, the former director of GCHQ, the Government’s signals intelligence centre in Cheltenham, has also been summoned.

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