
Monday, February 18, 2008


During the 1990's the UK and USA began to create civil war in Kosovo via the heroin-funded KLA to break up the former Soviet state of Yugoslavia. I believe that oil and a pipeline was a major reason for this decision to break up Yugoslavia. Slobodan Milosevic tried to stand up against this blatant imperialism, surviving Clinton's NATO bombing, and was successfully defending himself in The Hague until he suddenly died of a heart attack in his cell.

Yesterday Kosovo declared independence.

It is a fake independence.

The EU will swallow it whole for breakfast.

Russia is crying foul, claiming the independence is illegal. I am not that well up on the legal details, but I don't think Russia would be making such a protest if the legal argument did not have grounds.

Yesterday the BBC showed several comments from jubilant Kosovans after the vote for independence. The first was from a young man painted in black and red so his face was unidentifiable. He was very aggressive towards Russia and praising of Great Britain and America. I'll tell you what though, his English was very, very good.

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