
Monday, April 21, 2008


At least, repeat, at least £50 billion will be 'loaned' by us via The Bank of England to the greedy, parasitic banks to help them to get themselves out of the mess they put themselves and us in.

The Bank of England should have seen this coming anyway because one of its roles is market awareness and gathering market intelligence, so not all blame lies with the FSA.

The BBC described the bonds as 'almost equivalent to cash' this morning.

We have recently bought our own bank, Northern Rock, only to be told by the likes of Anatole Koletsky at The Times that we should not use the powers we have as bank owners, act as a normal high street bank such HSBC, create 'new money' and lend it to ordinary members of the public to put a roof over their heads. Oh no. That power is reserved for a select few people who want to stamp their boots on our faces forever. Hence many customers of Northen Rock are now being 'encouraged' to take their mortgages elsewhere, and new mortgages will be much harder to arrange with them. But where will those ex-NR go for their mortgages?

The banks are currently crying they can't lend any more non-existent money. So where can they get it to absorb the ex-NR customers, and others?

Now that the banks have no money to lend, they now want us via the Bank of England to create 'new money' (a power we can't use at NR) to lend to them in exchange for junk mortgages so that they can lend that 'new money' to ex-NR customers and us in general to make a profit for themselves and have many more people in debt slavery to them!!!

So in case you haven't understood the situation;
1. as owners of NR we can't create 'new money' to lend to ourselves.
2. but we can create 'new money' in government bonds, and lend that to the other high street banks for them to make a profit and enslave more of us, and in return we get a load of their junk mortgages.


This country has totally lost the plot.

Is there a law that forbids the government creating 'new money' and lending that directly to the very people who voted it into power?

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