
Tuesday, May 06, 2008


They most certainly do!

I saw, for the first time, John Carpenter's They Live on Saturday. At first I thought it was going to be just another pro-religion or pro-communism film, but it turned out to be simply a pro-freedom film but with more imagination and truth than some would like us to believe.

The use of a special pair of glasses to transport the ordinary man and woman into another imaginary dimension in which he or she can see the messages hidden in adverts and see behind the human-like exterior of an invading race is simple but effective.

The film was made about the same time as a TV series called V, which also proposed that an alien race was secretly invading planet earth, acting and looking like humans, warming its atmosphere for their benefit, and enslaving and feasting off us. Carpenter took the same thesis but replaced the latex skin of the alien in V to hide the alien form with a secret electromagnetic field that enabled the aliens to hold or project human form, so that when our hero Roddy Piper stopped the signal the human race was able to see their jailers as they really were.

They live? They certainly do, everywhere; boardrooms of banks and multinational corporations, classrooms, government offices, the blogosphere, the military, the judiciary, the police.


Whether they are alien or part-alien is up for debate, but when you learn what has really happened in our history and continues to go on, I would not be surprised if they who live do have a tiny fraction of vicious alien DNA. It would explain why the world has been a violent, genocidal shithole due to their engineered warmongering and profiteering.

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