
Friday, July 04, 2008


Alex Allan, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, was recently found comatose in his home. From paranoid reports in The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph and The Sun yesterday you would think those bloody Russians had gone and murdered another spy on the streets of London...AGAIN!

But a report on the website quotes a Met officer that shines a completely different light on the mystery. From$1230303.htm)

A Metropolitan police spokesperson said Mr Allan's illness "is being treated as non-suspicious".

Has this new paranoia anything to do with the recent decision that Litvinenko was not poisoned by Russia, which has led to a joint investigation taking place, leading some scoundrels to whip up trouble between Russia and Great Britain as soon as anyone farts in order to derail that joint investigation?

I think so.

Just this year a couple of mysterious deaths and disappearances have instantly been blamed on "those bloody Russians".

The death of Georgian tycoon Arkady Patarkatsishvili was instantly blamed on Russia, again with hints and unfounded suggestions that "those bloody Russians" poisoned him. Patarkatsishvili was connected to Berezovsky, Lord Goldsmith and Lord Bell (yes, the same Bell who managed the photogenic death of Litvinenko via Bell Pottinger Communications). His death was not that suspicious at all. It looked like Patarkatsishvili had a heart attack, he complained of chest pain just before his death, and he lived a very unhealthy and exercise-free life, smoking and drinking to wild excess. So when he suddenly collapses, and the post mortem concludes he died of heart attack, who gets the blame? Yep. "Those bloody Russians."

And then there was the mysterious disappearance of the Latvian tycoon Leonid Rozhetskin who disappeared with his plane leaving a pool of blood. That was also instantly blamed on "those bloody Russians". Further investigation has revealed other potential and more likely culprits, including himself!! (he bought a fake passport just a few days before he disappeared, so maybe he faked his own death and is still alive which would also explain why his private jet is still being flown around the globe).

I was one of a few who questioned the death of Litvinenko.

I think there is another "frame Russia" psyop being pushed by some scoundrels who know the real truth about Litvinenko's death and wish to drive a wedge between Russian and British investigators of Litvinenko's death.

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