
Saturday, August 16, 2008


This is a headline posted on The Georgian Daily website today from the Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty (RFERL) which interviewed Oleg Panfilov, the director of the Moscow-based Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations.

First, who are The Georgian Daily? I don’t know. To contact them you send a letter to a lawyer in Wall Street! It was established in February this year.

Second, RFERL is CIA.

Third, The Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations is basically financed by that damned Bilderberger George Soros (yeah, him again), but also by NATO embassies (see the Projects page on their website).

If you’re wondering where Soros got his money, he shafted The Bank of England on Black Wednesday in 1992, a shafting that Berezovsky called “top notch”.

So what we have here is a suspicious website posting an interview between a CIA news agency and a SOROS/NATO media watchdog.

So how impartial is the article?

Not very.

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