
Monday, August 11, 2008


On 6th August RIA Novosti in an article entitled “S.Ossetia says Georgia plans military intervention this month” reported that the de facto President of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity, gave the British Ambassador to Georgia, Denis Keefe, indisputable proof that Georgia was planning a full scale invasion of South Ossetia before September.

For further details see

What I would like to know, and I intend finding out, is
1. what did Keefe do with this information?
2. if it was passed to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, who received that information and what did they do with it?
3. in particular, if Lord Malloch-Brown received that information, what did he do with it, and what was his reaction, considering he financed Saakashvili into power?
4. if this information was passed to American and NATO intelligence, who received the information and what did they do with it?

The real question is, who had foreknowledge?

It is interesting that this report was published on the 6th forecasting an attack before September, when the attack actually took place just a day later. Is it possible that the time of the attack was brought forward by the report, leading to the failure of the attack? Probably not. The diversion of the Olympic Games has allowed NATO media to blur the true origin of the war and issue vague and inaccurate reports on the progress of the war, while we were mesmerised by rich First World countries compete in three-day eventing.

I shall also quote a paragraph from the above article which demonstrates the manipulation that Georgia is conducting.
“Georgia has dismissed widespread fears that war will break out in the region, and says South Ossetia and Russia, which tacitly supports the province, are both trying to create a false impression of escalating violence.”

1 comment:

  1. I suppose the first question should be, what exactly was the information given to Keefe?
