
Monday, November 24, 2008


I was very, very disturbed by the opening sequence for the new BBC drama series Survivors that started last night.

The sequence shows shots of streets in a busy city centre, I think Manchester, but the shots are speeded up and show the number of people in the streets increasing quite quickly as the morning goes on. This may not seem much, but these shots are broken up by shots of bacteria or germs quickly multiplying, just like the humans in the street.

The suggestion is obvious; humans are a virus on the planet.

This is of no great surprise when you understand the conspiracy. It was hinted at in the United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, but Prince Philip stated it so eloquently when he said,
"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."

The plan is to reduce human population by approximately 80%. In Survivors the virus (and it looks like a virus which has been deliberately released from a laboratory) kills 90% of the human population.

And "a deadly virus" would do it.

But it would also be assisted by famine and drought brought on by the food and water supply chain being under the control of a few people, and the delivery of such governed by a collapsing globalized infrastructure in which country X grows food for country Y (on the other side of the world) and vice versa. One solution to this is to build much more local food supply chains.

And there is always a lovely world war, if we are ever so bloody stupid to have one again, knowing what we now know.

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