
Saturday, November 22, 2008


If it is true that Tim Geithner is to be Obama's Treasury Secretary then we will get that change Obama sold us; but it will be change you will not want.

Geithner, who attended Bilderberg this year, believes in a unified global banking network. This is exactly what the warmnongering, Moloch-worshipping megalomaniacs want. It is exactly the solution the warmnongering, Moloch-worshipping megalomaniacs sought by blowing all the credit they could create on gambling instead of financing and investing in the development of industry and commerce to the benefit of the people in general. Look who else attended Bilderberg this year;
Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Henry Paulson - current U.S. Treasury Secretary.
Jean-Claude Trichet - President of the European Central Bank.
Robert Zoellick - President of the World Bank

As for Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State? She voted for the wars after 9/11, and loves Israel. More change you will not want.



Obama Picks New York Fed Chief to Lead Treasury
Geithner Has Helped Engineer U.S. Response to Financial Crisis

By David Cho, Lori Montgomery and Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, November 22, 2008; Page A01

President-elect Barack Obama has selected New York Federal Reserve Bank President Timothy F. Geithner as Treasury secretary, handing the post to a primary architect of the Bush administration's response to the financial crisis, according to Democratic and industry officials yesterday.

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