
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ISN'T WAR A ...?

If we hate war so much, why do we go to war so easily?

When I saw that ass David Miliband at the cenotaph last Sunday, I was nearly sick. That mouthy little *&$!^ was prepared to take us into war with Russia over that tie-munching little *&$!^ Saakashvili murdering South Ossetian villagers in their beds.

It is because of little *&$!^s like Miliband that we go to war.

Mouthy, gobby little *&$!^s who are nowhere near the front line when it's time to go over the top.

Our leaders are either vain, incompetent, incapable of clear thought, or corrupt; possibly all four.

They could also be blackmailed, or coerced in some way.

Or blinded by promised riches.


They don't serve us. They serve themselves and their satanist masters.

There was only group of people who won in WW1. And it wasn't the British people. It was the British oligarchy and their tools in Wall Street and Washington DC following the creation of the Federal Reserve.

But many US politicians saw through the League-of-Nations-as-world-government scam, and voted out.

So during the 1920's when people were occupied by the good times, and 1930's when people were occupied by the bad times, both fascism and communism were created, and a longer, more bloodier world war was created, with the USA dragged into it for longer so it would experience more death and destruction than it did in WW1.

And hey presto! After WW2 the USA joined and even housed The United Nations, and a whole host of global governing and controlling organizations were created along with it.

So now we, the British people, who allegedly won both WW1 and WW2, are subservient to a non-elected European government, which in turn is governed by a non-elected United Nations!

That's why war is such a bastard.

The wars weren't about doing the right thing and killing the nun-raping, baby-eating enemy. It was about the megalomania of a cabal of families centred in London, Paris and Wall Street, to get a form of world government created, and sowing the seed of a third and final world war by creating Israel in a land where it would without a shadow of a doubt create a universe of hatred and terrorism that could be easily manipulated into at least a global police state and probably a world war.

Cue The Last Post (for the human race) ...

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