
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

WHO DID WALL STREET FINANCE? reports campaign finance contributions. The following statistics can be found at their website .

Goldman Sachs (normally Democrat)
Democrat : $3.4 million
Republican : $1.3 million

Democrat : $2.2 million (variable)
Republican $1.5 million

JP Morgan Chase
Democrat : $2.2 million (variable)
Republican $1.5 million

Bank of America (normally Republican)
Democrat : $1.1 million
Republican : $0.9 million

Morgan Stanley (normally Republican)
Democrat : $1.8 million
Republican : $1.3 million

Merrill Lynch (normally Republican)
Democrat : $1.1 million
Republican : $1.2 million

Regarding Merrill Lynch, they normally finance Republicans much more than Democrats, so the fact they financed Republicans $100,000 more than Democrats is of significance.

Regarding Morgan Stanley, it usually finances the Republicans much more than it does the Democrats, but decided to finance the Democrats much more this year.

Those banks who normally fund the Republicans much more than the Democrats also reduced the difference between their contributions to the two parties, thus reducing the financial power of the Republicans.

The largest contributor over recent years has been the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, which in the 2000 election contributed $8.8 million and in the 2002 elections $9.4 million, but this year managed a contribution of only $1.9 million to the Democrats, and approximately the same for 2004 and 2006, which is less than the contribution to the Democrats of Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase (which employs bloodbath Blair).

So it would appear that Wall Street wanted the Democrats to win.

Looking at Obama’s contributors, 91% came from individual donations. Obama’s top individual contributors contain
2nd largest Goldman Sachs ($874,207)
6th largest JP Morgan Chase ($581,460)
7th largest Citigroup ($581,216)
14th largest UBS AG ($454,795)
17th largest Morgan Stanley ($425,102)

McCain’s top five individual contributors were
Merrill Lynch ($359,070)
Citigroup ($296,151)
Morgan Stanley ($262,777)
Goldman Sachs ($228,695)
JPMorgan Chase ($215,042)

In other words, Goldman Sachs gave nearly 4 times as much to Obama than it did to McCain. Citigroup gave nearly twice as much to Obama as it did to McCain, as did JP Morgan Chase, as did Morgan Stanley.

These are big hitters in Wall Street. These are the banks that were bailed out on the understanding that they would begin lending, but are instead using the bailout money to buy other banks, thereby consolidating their power!


Obama was endorsed by the Bilderberg Washington Post.

One interesting point is that Obama himself is not a member of the CFR, but his wife is, and his VP Joe Biden is Mr CFR and a good friend of the murderous apartheid Zionist State of Israel.

And with Obama’s adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR, BIL, TC) mouthing off against Russia, it looks like business as usual to me.

The Federal Reserve will remain in tact, shafting not just the American people, but the whole world.

And when that ‘big event’ occurs that Biden, Powell and many others are telling us will happen very soon, the inexperienced Obama is going to have to trust the advice of some people who do not have the best interests of the human race at heart, and Brzezinski is one of them ( just read his books).

Don’t get me wrong. I’m very glad that someone of mixed race has been elected to become President of the United States of America. The great relief, hope and anticipation that change may have finally come to America is evident in the tears shed by an expectant American population (though the popular vote was curiously much closer than the college vote).

But it takes a lot of money to become President, $640 million in Obama’s case! And it appears that Wall Street financed Obama and the Democrats much more than it did McCain and the Republicans.

We have to ask why.

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