
Sunday, December 28, 2008


Haaretz is reporting that Israel planned yesterday's attack on Gaza six months ago.

And in the same report Haaretz also recognises that tensions rose dramatically after Israel invaded Gaza to stop an alleged assault on IDF troops by Palestinian militants.

"Disinformation, secrecy and lies: How the Gaza offensive came about" by Barak Ravid.

But during all this year Gaza has been under a blockade of ridiculous proportions.

During the most recent ceasefire brokered by Egypt Israel should have significantly eased the blockade. It has not.

In fact only two weeks ago John Ging, Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, was reported by The Washington Post of all papers to have said,
"This is a disastrous situation, and it's getting worse and worse... It is unprecedented that the UN is unable to get its supplies in to a population under such obvious distress; many of these families have been subsisting on this ration for years, and they are living hand-to-mouth."

The quote is taken from the website of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

On 12th May this year Ging was reported in The Guardian to have said,
"It is a disaster for everybody because it's touching everybody in every aspect of their life, from the moment you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night...The way things have been reduced here, there's a very sub-human existence for the general population."

Yes Hamas should not have been firing rockets. But when Israel is not honouring its side of the bargain but is instead making it worse and driving children to eat grass to survive then what is an air strike killing 225 civlians supposed to do?

If Israel had instead used the money spent in that airstrike, that went into all the intelligence gathering and the planning and the fuel and the weapons that went up in smoke, to finance the infrastructure of Gaza instead then I would bet that the rockets would soon stop.

But no. Israel wants to starve children first before blowing them to bits with weapons from the USA.


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