
Sunday, January 18, 2009


At first I thought that Robert Fisk, the respected journalist for The Independent, had hit one of the nails square on the head; when referring to the slaughter in Gaza you cannot refer to World War 2.

See “Robert Fisk’s World: When it comes to Gaza, leave the Second World War out of it” at

Excellent comment, I thought.

But as I continued to read his comment I became a little disturbed, for Fisk was talking to pro-Palestinian groups only, and not to the vicious Zionists.
One of the main arguments that the vicious Zionists use to defend the vicious State of Israel is the Holocaust. The vicious Zionists claim that the only people who can be relied upon to defend Jews are Jews, and that because of the Holocaust they are permitted to do absolutely anything and commit any atrocity whatsoever to protect the Jews, and that includes murdering innocent children from 10,000 feet in a war plane supplied by the United States of America.

In The Times you can easily find David Aaronovitch and Daniel Finkelstein (and they’re not the only ones either) each using that very same argument to defend the slaughter in Gaza, which is that because of what Hitler (an Austrian) did to the Jews then the Jews have the right to do the same and worse to the Palestinians. I know that this is not very God-like and compassionate logic, but that is the way they, the Israeli Zionist Jews, are taught to think.

Fisk criticises the pro-Palestinian groups for using the analogy that Gaza is like a concentration camp. Fisk points out the bleeding obvious, that there are no furnaces or gas ovens for large scale cremation in Gaza, so Pro-Palestinian groups should just shut up, or be more accurate.

But why does Fisk not then criticize Israel for using the Holocaust to give Israel the right to bomb little children to bits?

Not once does Fisk criticize Israel for using the second world war.

I am curious and a little disturbed by that.

The most disturbing line from Fisk is this;
“No, the real reason why "Gaza-Genocide" is a dangerous parallel is because it is not true.”

No, Robert. What is going on in Gaza is genocide. It is not Nazi-scale genocide, but it is still genocide, and could well be described as ethnic cleansing.

In Gaza there are 1.5 million human beings compressed into 360 square Km. They have been blockaded since 2006 because in the eyes of the Israelis they voted for the wrong people. Their finances to which they were legally entitled to claim from Israel were illegally withheld by Israel. Their border crossings are controlled by Israel, and Israeli war planes fly over them at will. To allow vicious trigger-happy Zionist soldiers who have been brainwashed into thinking that all Gazans are worse than animals to enter into such a territory is asking for genocide. And we got it.

However, Fisk redeems himself a little but not much by arguing that prosecution for war crimes is desired, on both sides.

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