
Thursday, April 23, 2009


This morning the BBC 5 Live debate was unsurprisingly on the budget.

There was a lot of hatred towards the banks expressed by the callers.


The British tax paying public are not that thick. The recent concentration of the media on MPs expenses and non-exsitent terror plots in order to deflect that hatred has in general not worked.

However, it has served to focus more hatred on Bilderberg Brown. One caller even referred to the bargain basement sale by Brown of our national store of gold, a sale held at the wrong time and at the wrong price for us but very, very beneficial to certain very, very wealthy people (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more). This was part of a conspiracy to depress the price of gold at particular times, which was identified by Reginald Howe at Golden Sextant.

There is a chant sung on the football terraces that goes something like this;
Stand up! If you hate Man U
Stand up! If you hate Man U
Stand up! If you hate Man U
Stand up! If you hate Man U

Stand up! If you hate the banks.
Stand up! If you hate the banks.
Stand up! If you hate the banks.
Stand up! If you hate the banks.
Stand up! If you hate the banks.
Stand up! If you hate the banks.

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