
Saturday, May 09, 2009


Why is The Daily Telegraph spending hundreds of thousands of pounds to purchase information that will soon be publicly available? Remember that it was The Daily Telegraph that was involved in the smear of George Galloway, resulting in Galloway suing The DT for damages, and winning.

The point of that smear was to divert criticism of invading Iraq from the real culprits, the shadow government fronted by Blair, to someone that most of the public loves to hate.

So why is The DT now stirring up trouble, and making itself a target for damages claims from Phil Woollas and possibly a few others (though most of the MPs are guilty of abuse of privileges)?

Remember who it was who fcukt up not just the UK economy but the global economy with their greedy reckless and illegal gambling?

And just when the MPs expenses come out what news do we find tucked away in the corners of the papers?

1. The Bank of England is printing £50 billion more, and expects the recession to get worse
2. The CEO of RBS wants us, yes us, the muggins British taxpayer, to swallow even more of RBSs losses, and they too expect the recession to get worse.

Cheer up. You'll be dead soon. When Dr Death is allowed to advertise on TV along with the abortion clinics during kids TV time, and his kits are available in your local Nisa or Spar, one day you'll find life intolerable and think "stop the world, I wanna get off", pop down to your local Spar and do your bit to 'save the planet' and end it all ( but only after you've helped to pay off the banks' gambling debts, of course).

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