
Sunday, May 31, 2009


David Cameron is being warned.

Yesterday the MI5-controlled (aren't they all?) The Guardian published interviews with senior Tory Bilderbergers and their minions attacking Cameron's praiseworthy and 100% correct attitude towards the Treaty of Lisbon; GET US OUT!

In case we have forgotten, the EU was born at Bilderberg 1955 as the next phase in the Nazi plan to control Europe as described in the Red House Report.

Today Cameron is being dragged into the gutter with the implication that he fiddled his mortgage expenses.

The paper pushing this blame-the-MPs idea is The Daily MI5egraph Telegraph. I remind you again (and again and again...) that the DT was the most bloodthirsty of them all for war on Iraq and despite pretending to be a 'Tory' paper accused George Galloway of being an agent of Saddam to protect 'Labour' Blair...and lost!

Why would details of Cameron's alleged mortgage fiddle be released now, if at all?

Fee. Fi. Fo. Fum.
I smell the blood of a character assassination.

The Tories may well win the next election due to the economy etc ( Labour have no control, it's the banks because they control money supply)...but it may be Bilderbergers big Ken Clarke or oik George Osborne as PM. Cameron is expendable. He may be photogenic and served his purpose for now, but as soon as he threatens the agenda, and in this case it is the Nazi EU, he can be tossed overboard.

Advice : simply pretend to change your mind, and as soon as you are in office dump the Treaty of Lisbon.

Scrapping the Treaty of Lisbon has equal importance to stopping an Israelli attack on Iran.

If either is scrapped then the plan is set back by several years.

And they know it...

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