
Tuesday, May 05, 2009


The Home Office has published a list of people it has banned from entering the UK, but not on that list is Dr Philip Nitschke who has flown over from Australia to advertise his DIY suicide kit.

Yes, apparently our government doesn't mind people coming into the UK to help increase the mortality rate. Other ways of increasing the mortality rate are illegal and unnecessary wars and abortion, which are activities our government are experts in.

Anyway, back to Dr Death.

His DIY suicide kit contains a bag of inert gas and a bag of pills.

Why should this be disturbing?

Because in the next few years our health service is going to be stretched and services slashed. Why? Because thanks to the reckless gambling banks we are now having to borrow hundreds of billions more so that the banks can be bailed out, and in order to repay that borrowing we must slash spending. There is going to be much pressure put on people to assist in suicide, to kill their parents, their husbands and wives, their children, all because their quality of life has been deemed intolerable and it would be kinder to 'help them on their way'. We have been prepared for this kind of thinking in the last year with that documentary on assisted suicide that was shown on BBC a few months ago.

This is how the Nazis started their extermination campaign, Life Unworthy of Life.

A major financier of the suicide movement is George Soros. Soros, if you can't remember, made his money in September 1992 on Black Wednesday. Soros worked for the Nazis in Hungary. Soros attends Bilderberg.

The banks gambled on derivatives. The first bank to do so was J P Morgan Chase. The bank with the largest exposure to derivatives is J P Morgan Chase. J P Morgan Chase is Rockefeller. Rockefellers financed and attend Bilderberg.

What the banks have done is gambled away the credit they could issue not on building a stable and growing economy for us, the taxpayer, but on activities they knew would never repay, always knowing that their Bilderberg friends in high places would bail them out and land the taxpayer with the bill. That means we must suffer massive cuts in public services for years if not decades to come. One consequence of that is going to be massive cuts in the NHS.

Another indicator of where the NHS is going is the recent treatment of the nurse who filmed the state of the elderly in care in Brighton I think it was. She was struck off for blowing the whistle because she did not get prior consent for filming. So it's OK to leave the elderly in a terrible state but to film it is a sackable offence?

What next? Give the elderly a DIY suicide kit?

Can you see where I am going with this?

The kids of such elderly will be pressured for a number of reasons to assist in the suicide of their elderly parents because of lack of money, lack of resources, poor quality of life etc.

And if the kids won't do it then the state will.

And why is that? Because the banks forced into us into such a position due to their reckless gambling knowing they were too big to be allowed to fail and knowing that some of their own in high office would bail them out, and I speak of Mr Brown, Mr Geithner, Mr Bernanke.

Where has this cult of death come from?


It started out like this Nazi Germany. Hitler was a tool of the Wall Street and City of London bankers who bankrolled the Nazi Party and inserted their man Hjalmar Schacht into the Nazi political apparatus to direct Nazi economic policy.

They are trying it on again right here, right now.


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