
Monday, June 08, 2009


It has not even been 24 hours since the first election results were released and already the FT, the paper that thinks it runs the world, in today's editorial is demanding that David Cameron drop his attitude towards Europe and the Treaty of Lisbon.

The Europe Project is absolutely crucial to the plans of the Old World Order.

Just look outside your office or front window and look at what is happening around the world;
The European Union
The North American Union
The African Union
The Asia-Pacific Union
The Union of South American Nations

These continental governments are very slowly assuming more and more control over their constituent nation states, such that when a nuclear war or another large scale war occurs ( and I predict it will be over the Israel-Palestine issue) this handful of continental governments can be very easily formed into one world government.

And guess who will control that world government? The same people who brought us Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung. You know, all the really nasty genocidal bastards who have no problem with tyranny and mass genocide.

The Treaty of Lisbon is essential to this Bilderberg plan.

That's why Bilderberg Brown reneged on his promise to give us a referendum and signed the Treaty of Lisbon with a knowing smile.

If Cameron takes us out of the Treaty of Lisbon then the Bilderberg Europe Project will be destroyed.

That's why Tory Bilderberg Grandees and their minions and now the FT is ordering Cameron to drop his plan to take us out of Europe and the Treaty of Lisbon.



Tories march to Euro-impotence

Published: June 7 2009 19:57 | Last updated: June 7 2009 19:57

The UK government and Gordon Brown’s Labour party have received a terrible drubbing in the European and local elections – as bad as that for any ruling party across the continent. David Cameron’s Conservatives could scarcely have asked for more. It leaves them in pole position to win the next general election. That could come sooner rather than later if Mr Brown cannot stop the civil war within his own party.

Yet on one vital issue, Mr Cameron continues to behave as if he will be eternally in opposition: his party’s attitude towards the European Union. His determination to quit the dominant centre-right alliance in the European parliament, and thus alienate his most important potential partners in Europe – Germany’s Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France – is foolish and counter-productive. It is time to reconsider.

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