
Tuesday, June 16, 2009


British interference in the Middle East had several purposes. Which took precedence is debatable, but the reasons include the creation of the bullying Zionist State of Israel to provoke international Islamic terrorism, and the discovery of the usefulness of oil for military purposes. We installed puppet kings to control the new monarchies established in the region after WW1 and used chemical weapons on Iraqis well before Saddam did.

That British interference has become even more British with the announcement by our glorious and 100% trustworthy Fuhrer of an inquiry into the Iraq War.

I listened to our glorious and 100% trustworthy Fuhrer's announcement live yesterday on BBC Radio 5 Live. His 10 minute waffle presenting the outcome of the greatest bunch of lies we have been told for decades followed by the terms of the inquiry before announcing the establishment of the inquiry was nauseating.

From our glorious and 100% trustworthy Fuhrer's description of Iraq one could believe that Iraq is now a beacon of peace and fairness and democracy. Yet still it seems that every week a huge car bomb or similar in Baghdad blows up tens of people, and the likes of Shell and BP are gradually getting their hands on Iraqi oil.

But if the war itself and the outcome of the Iraq War are so glorious then why is the inquiry being held in secret?

We were told
1. Iraq had WMD aimed out our backyard BBQs ready to blow us all away
2. Iraq was involved in 9/11
3. Iraqi oil would go to the Iraqis

None of these is true.

Our glorious and 100% trustworthy Fuhrer is cyncially creating the inquiry to reconcile the Labour Party after he bailed out the banks with trillions, but it is gloriously failing and possibly backfiring in a very big way.

Military Families Against War are opposed to the secret inquiry announced by our glorious and 100% trustworthy Fuhrer. Philip Cooper, whose son Jamie was the youngest soldier seriously injured in Iraq, said: "Ministers should not treat us like us mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed on shit."
[source :]

But we must never forget, our glorious and 100% trustworthy Fuhrer signed us over to the Nazi EU after reneging on a promise he made to us. So I suppose we should all be very, very grateful for this inquiry, even if it is a complete sham and a whitewash.

Heil Brown!

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