
Monday, June 15, 2009


That cheeky chappie and Cheney chum Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that he would consider the existence of a Palestinian state, but with conditions.

These conditions include that such a Palestinian state could have no military and would not be able to protect its airspace.

In his speech yesterday he asked,
"We want both Israeli and Palestinian children to live without war...but we must ask ourselves - why has peace not yet arrived after 60 years?"

My reply would be to look at the maps of Israeli expansion from 1946 to today, the Naziesque laws that have demonised Palestinians in the eyes of many Israelis, the accompanying rise in the strength of the Israeli Police State and the theft of land and people from Palestinian families as well as land from other neighbouring nation states.

But despite the cheekiness of Netanyahu's solution, if he promises to review and cease further Israeli expansion then his proposal if implemented fairly and correctly would give us all much more peace and the time to dig the grave for the New World Order and bury it for good.

After a few years the situation could be reviewed.

We didn't ask for this situation and ideal solutions cannot be implemented immediately, but we all need the time and the peace. We neeed the time to educate all people on the manipulation we have all suffered in the last 140 years, and the peace to stop the terrorism and resulting police states across the world.

When Israelis themselves realise just how they have been used and abused by their leaders in the last 140 years I am confident that a fully sovereign Palestinian state will be welcomed by Jews all over the world.

In the meantime, such a fledgling Palestinian state should be protected by a multinational force while the New World Order plans are buried in an unmarked grave to stop the bloody Israelis declaring war or implementing Operation Bollocks and to stop them invading Palestine on engineered or the flimsiest of pretexts.

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