
Monday, August 10, 2009


1. Mandelson has attended Bilderberg several times
2. the Nazi EU was agreed upon at Bilderberg 1955
3. Mandelson was EU trade Minister for several years
4. Nat Rothschild is on the board of hedge fund Atticus
5. Nat Rothschild is also on board of RIT Capital
6. RIT Capital invested substantially in Atticus as a hedge fund to make a profit
7. Atticus instead lost that money
8. as a consequence RIT Capital has ditched Atticus
9. Mandelson leaves his powerful position in the EU to become even more powerful in the government as an unelected peer and minister
10. Mandelson spent his holidays at the Rothschild estate on Corfu
11. Mandelson is now acting Prime Minister
12. Mandelson, despite his very pro-EU politics, wants to exempt The City of London from EU legislation that would restrict and control hedge funds so that they don't cause another credit crunch.

What word can describe this?

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