
Friday, September 04, 2009


How is that Bilderbergers get to write in newspapers such as The Bilderberg Washington Post and The Bilderberg Financial Times? It must be because they want their Nazi Bilderberg views injected directly into our brains.

Anyway, today's load of bollocks is supplied by Tim Geithner.

Geithner attempts to explain that everyting will be OK if the banks would only hold more capital. In other words, Bilderberger and ex-Goldman Sachs employee Geithner believes that the system and its managers, i.e. Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc, can be trusted to never, ever, ever screw the global economy again with their gambling and warmongering.

After over a century of such manipulation of the banking system by such 'people' as David Rockefeller I have absolutely no confidence in this simple-minded proposal. It keeps vast power in the hands of warmongering blood-thirsty megalomaniacs.

But why would Geithner's suggestion that simply raising levels of capital in banks would solve the world's problems be published in the FT today? Because G20 finance ministers are meeting in London this weekend, and Geithner's Bilderberg masters don't want the system altered one iota. Raising capital levels can be achieved relatively easily as compared to clamping down on the gambling practices of risk-taking banks with no moral compass.

And once capital levels are healthier I confidently predict that the banks will return to the practices that caused the trouble in the first place, and indulge themselves even more. They are convinced the mathematics behind the theories is sound, but either (1) the computers used so far have been too slow and/or too few, or (2) the theory was used incorrectly by a few madmen.

What caused the crisis is that in the middle of this decade Bilderbergers asked the UK FSA and US SEC to relax their rules regarding trading, and these requests were accepted.

When these requests were made banks had healthier levels of capital.

But that's all it takes. A simple question/demand from David Rockefeller to "relax man, take it easy, we know what we're doing..."

That's why David Rockefeller and his ilk and system should go, not ridiculoulsy low capital levels.

Banks are bankrupt.

So finish them off and replace the whole system with one that serves the people not a handful of greedy warmongering blood-thirsty megalomaniacs.

Geithner's article is in the FT today, entitled "Financial stability depends on more capital".

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