
Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Just before the Olympics started last year a war started in South Ossetia. Immediately the Bilderberg press went into overdrive;

Russia started it! Russia started it!

The Bilderberg Post ran two pieces by senior Bilderberger Richard Holbrooke in which Holbrooke challenged Russia to war. Bilderbergers crawled out of the woodwork and squeaked their minion voices, baying in falsetto voices for Russian blood to be spilled. Not to be outdone, our then Foreign Secretary David Miliband also threatened Russia with military consequences for its aggression.

None of these warmongers ever mentioned that the bloodthirsty tie-munching President of Georgia had been installed by another senior Bilderberger George Soros and Foreign Office agent Lord Malloch-Brown.

But now, a year after the event, the EU is to issue its report. It will blame Georgia for starting the war, but will also criticise Russia.

Hmm. What would you do if your allies and neighbours were being bombed in their beds?

The War in South Ossetia was a blatant provocation of Russia by Bilderberg-installed Saakashvili.

It may well have been to deflect attention from the financial crisis, a dry run for later this year, perhaps.



EU Report to Conclude Georgia Started 2008 War with Russia
Also Going to Criticize Russia for 'Exploiting' Conflict
by Jason Ditz, September 28, 2009

The oft-delayed European Union report on the August 2008 Russo-Georgian War is finally nearing release, according to officials, and it will conclude what a myriad of other reports in the interim have already concluded: that Georgia indeed fired the first shot.

In an effort to make the report more palatable to the eastern EU member states which have an axe to grind against Russia, the report will also accuse Russia of “exploiting” the conflict and will criticize them for distributing Russian passports to residents of the separatist enclaves of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which declared independence after the conflict.

Georgia has officially reacted with outrage at every report regarding the war, insisting that Russia actually started it. But even former Georgian officials acknowledge that President Mikheil Saakashvili was “itching” to do battle over South Ossetia, and test the high-tech military which was largely destroyed in the brief conflict.

President Saakashvili has vowed to reclaim the enclaves as parts of Georgia proper, and has US support in ensuring they will never be recognized as independent republics, though in practice both have been outside Georgian control for quite some time.

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