
Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yep. Here we go.

Massive, massive cuts in the NHS.

The biggest yet.

It's gonna be slaughter.

And guess who's at the frontline right here right now paying the price for the greed and recklessness of those very nice bankers?

Little old granny on the Liverpool Care Pathway introduced by the Butcher of Baghdad (and J P Morgan Chase employee) Tony Blair.



Plans for swingeing hospital cuts as NHS on brink of 'Armageddon'

Health service managers warned of an "Armageddon scenario" facing NHS finances as they draw up secret plans for swingeing hospital cuts.

By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent
Published: 9:00PM BST 26 Sep 2009

Senior officials have set "aggressive" targets to reduce the number of patients referred to specialists, or treated in Accident and Emergency departments, while GPs will be asked to cut down on the amount of time spent in consultations.

The plans are being issued as senior managers warned that the NHS is about to face the greatest financial pressures since its inception.

They fear that when the current spending round ends in 2011, the impact of an anticipated real terms freeze or cuts – coming as the demands on the NHS of an ageing population increases – will be devastating.

The NHS Confederation, which represents NHS managers, will tell this week's Labour Party conference that the impending challenge is so great that hospital closures and job cuts must be enforced across the country.

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