
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Imagine a fantastic public transport system, of frequent trams and trains, everyone has a seat and the profits are immediately returned to the system for improvements to services and/or staff.

Such a system is achievable...but not in the UK.


There are several reasons;
1. our rail network is absolute crap. It's improving. but very very slowly, because it has been privatised and profits go to shareholders not the system. This has at least two effects.
a) commuters are driven onto the roads and into their cars that need petrol or diesel...and who owns the major petrol and diesel corporations? Bilderberg. And more cars means more car tax, which should go into developing the road network but instead finances...not the roads.
b) because you are daily fighting for a seat on the train you may begin to think that getting rid of a few people might not be such a bad idea...

2. our road network was not designed to handle as much traffic as it does today, so the same idea is planted into your head everyday; there's just too many people.

Congestion reinforces this suggestion of over-population of the planet...and our transport system promotes congestion.

A much better rail system also transporting goods between major nodes such as Birmingham and Manchester would take many HGVs off the road and free up a lane in both directions of the motorway system.

But we can't finance such a fantastic rail system...because we're bailing out the banks instead.

And who runs the banks?

The same people who financed Hitler and his genocidal policies of mercy killing and suicidal war, and also implemented the Liverpool Care Pathway in the NHS before the financial crisis indicating foreknowledge and conspiracy.

They've said in a official UN document they want 1 billion people as a maximum on the planet. They've probably developed a complex nonlinear programming model of the perfect economy consisting of 1 billion people, with them at the top reaping a guaranteed maximum profit and us working 12 hours day policed by a paramilitary force with incredible powers of arrest and detention, and possibly execution.

But what the heck, eh? Jedward can still win X-factor!

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