
Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I've just read the post by George Robot Monbiot in The Guardian on the communications hacked from the UEA CRU, and he is in baaaad form.
[source : Global warming rigged? Here's the email I'd need to see, The Guardian 24/11/2009, ]

Robot Monbiot does not address the contents of the communications, instead calling for some heads to roll (which is something), and then tries to make a mockery of the scandalous information by writing a fake email by a fictitious Professor Ernst Kattweizel, in which Kattweizel, a member of a fictitious secret society called the Knights Carbonic, lays out the history and strategy of 'the conspiracy' to implement a world government.

Yes, all very, very funny, but very, very foolish.

1. at the Club of Rome they first thought of using the climate as a weapon against humanity to assign any change in climate as man's fault and that because the climate is a global phenomenon then a global solution, i.e. world government, would be needed
2. they then pushed the man made global cooling theory, but that didn't work out so well
3. so they then pushed the man made global warming theory, which because of the enormous amount of research grants offered, caught on
4. they then blamed any extreme weather event on MMGW
5. they then used the demon CO2 to propose, yes you've guessed it, more tax and more surveillance, including black boxes in cars to track every driven millimetre, and personal carbon quotas thus allowing yet more incredible surveillance by the state
6. but despite the terrible horrible threat of CO2, the most polluting activity of mankind, air travel, is to be expanded, and climate change activists are harassed, spied on and falsely arrested.
7. and now lots of emails indicating that MMGW data has been sexed-up and/or falsified have been hacked from a prime research centre into MMGW.

Now, what would Robot Monbiot be saying if such emails indicating a cover up of the 2003 invasion of Iraq had been hacked from Number 10?

Would he be mocking the 'world government conspiracy'?

The facts are plain are simple:
Any theory that supports the imposition of a world government has been, is being and will be financed by the same people who engineered and financed WW1 and WW2. The global institutions of today, being given more and more power by the day, are a result of WW1 and WW2. And now those institutions have been established and accepted they now parrot the mantra every second of every day

global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems
global solutions to global problems

And one such global problem is alleged to be man made global warming.

Those hacked emails prove the theory of man made global warming is highly suspect...just like many of us who believe in the world government conspiracy have believed, because we are not robots.

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