
Monday, November 02, 2009


In a desperate attempt to save face the Meteorological Office and its friends in the media have claimed that just one high pressure system brought an indian summer to Great Britain and thus the Met Office was right all along; that they can predict the weather months in advance. The purpose of this is to give them some credibility in their claims that in a decade or so if we don't kill several billion people that due to MMGW the seas will boil and the sky will melt etc etc. You know, the kind of weather and climate that appeared in biblical times (either that or that found in the Chicken Licken story). If a world government is to be created from weather predictions then the people making the predictions need to have some credibility. Hence the exaggeration of an indian summer.

Just one solitary high pressure does not an indian summer make.

The key word is 'summer'. We had a period of a few days of warm air being transported from Spain, and then yesterday we were back to the usual for this time of year; rain and gales, with branches being blown off trees, floods from torrential rain etc.

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