
Thursday, November 19, 2009


The decision by NICE to not recommend Nexavar for use by the NHS for the treatment of liver cancer is only the tip of the iceberg.

Liver cancer cannot be cured but Nexavar can significantly prolong the life of whoever is taking it. Apparently Nexavar is used abroad and the manufacturers Bayer are willing to subsidise any treatment.

Yet NICE wants people to die.

So we can bailout banks with hundreds of billions, if not trillions, and create two hundred billion out of nothing and call it quantitative easing, but cannot find the money to prolong the lives of terminally ill people who have been paying their national insurance for decades and in their hour of need get a kick in the teeth and are told to die quietly as soon as possible so that Great Britain PLC doesn't pay out for the treatment and any pension!

The Nazis would have been proud.

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