
Saturday, December 26, 2009


In the 1970s and 1980s the claim was that our (not their) planet Earth would cool.

But then, with the benefit of certain research grants, the claim was made that the earth would warm instead, and that this was due to anthropogenic global warming.

But what if the original science was correct?

What if the earth is going to cool?

How will man warm himself?

How will he cook food?

With fossil fuel?

Is this why the axis-of-evil consisting of the UK, USA etc invaded the Middle East and the Caspian Basin after 9/11 was engineered and allowed to happen?

Think about it.

A lot of scientists have been saying the earth is going to cool. The original consensus was that the earth was going to cool.

But then suddenly after the injection of massive amounts of research money the scientific world was split and claims were made that the earth was going to warm instead, and that man was the cause.

So back to 9/11. The horrific events of 9/11 have led to the USA and the UK grabbing very significant sources of fossil fuel, in Iraq (and they still have their eyes on Iran), and are on the cusp of controlling everything that comes out of the Caspian Basin.

So when our planet (not theirs) starts to cool in the next few years (as they knew it would regardless of any cuts of CO2 emissions agreed at Copenhagen which would 'prove' that global warming was being reduced), how will humanity keep itself warm and eat cooked food?

This is the reason that more CO2 will be produced by humanity, or to be more precise by certain sectors of humanity.

But let's face it; there is a significant degree of racism in our leaders, and in some cases that racism borders on instigating mass genocide.

So by inflating the fraudulent threat of CO2 emissions from man before and during Copenhagen the NWO could have
1. created another market for derivatives, based on CO2
2. reduced human population by billions forcing under-developed nations to buy redundant CO2 emissions just to survive because their own national economies had been destroyed
3. the vendors of these CO2 certificates would be Bilderbergers and their minions

Yes it's true that money could have been made by selling Middle East/Caspian Basin fossil fuel to under-developed nations for them to develop. But that's not how it works at the moment.

At the moment these racist MFs want to reduce population en masse in the under developed world so that their natural resources are easily available to Bilderbergers and their ilk which can be sold to us, the muggins public, at a profit to the benefit of the NWO.

They also want to reduce population en masse in the developed world, but only by exterminating the elderly and infirm to reduce payments for treatment and pensions to pay for the Bilderberg bank bailout.

My guess is that somewhere, possibly in the computer vaults of NM Rothschild, there is a mathematical model of the global economy involving nonlinear programming and nonlinear partial differential equations which has calculated the maximum profit possible but has in that model the effect of GLOBAL COOLING and its effect on North America and Europe as the maximum source of profit while there is a calculated reduction in human population in certain zones of the nation which would make natural resources cheaper.

But now that Copenhagen has failed that program has been revised.

And it does not look good!

I suspect that equatorial nations and 3rd world nations will not cool that much and thus their requirement for fuel will not rise that much, if at all.

But us in North America and Europe. Bloody Hell! Just look out of the window. It's snow, ice and sleet. Brrrrr.

So what I'm suggesting is that the original suggestions that earth was going to cool are correct but some scientists have been corrupted to suggest the earth will warm in order to introduce a system of genocide in line with NWO desires to reduce human population while making a secondary profit after special trading systems of CO2 derivatives are established.

Ask yourself the question; if the earth was going to warm, and fewer people would need fossil fuel, why would you engineer and execute 9/11 in order to grab the largest sources of fossil fuels on the planet?

But what irks me is that China has been the beneficiary of the more lucrative contracts in Iraq oil recently, hand in glove with Bilderberg Oil Corp.

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