
Saturday, December 12, 2009


Despite the likes of David Rockefeller, you know of Exxon Mobil, JP Morgan Chase etc, Big Oil, creating The Club of Rome to push the alleged AGW theory for global government, George Monbiot Robot still does not get it.

Today he is whinging that his train fare to Copenhagen is £480 when he could have flown there for £18.

He asks why the governments of the world do not subsidise train travel and tax air travel in order to make train much cheaper than air travel.

My answer would be that the governments of the world do not do this because they know AGW is bullshit and are simply using it as an excuse to
1. impose more tax
2. impose more surveillance
3. impose more genocide
4. impose more world government

Though to be more precise those governments pushing this are Bilderberg-controlled, e.g. Great Britain, Gordon Brown, Bilderberg 1991.

They arrive in Copenhagen by limousine and/or private jet to tell us to create a world government to control carbon emissions.

They get the Met Office (yes the same Met Office that can't predict the weather a week in advance and can't predict the climate for a season months in advance) to terrorize us with statements that the planet will boil in the next few years unless something is signed at Copenhagen.

They hardly cover the outrageous climategate story but spend hours on trivial media bullshit such as Tiger Woods screwing around (even John Pienaar is on the case now) despite a msssive scientific fraud being committed.

Unfortunately George Monbiot Robot still does not see the Club of Rome wood for the CRU trees yet, but he will one day.

And when that day comes it will be not a day too soon.

C'mon George. Google "Club Rome Rockefeller" and start from there.

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