
Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This editorial in The Washington Bildermorgue Post about Obummer's deathcare reform indicates there is increasing desperation with Obummer and the core of the deathcare bill.

The two components of the deathcare bill that MUST be retained, according to The Washington Bildermorgue Post, are the IMAC and tax on insurance. This is demanded in the first paragraph.

PRESIDENT OBAMA plans to unveil, in advance of Thursday's health-care summit, a merged version of the House and Senate bills. Whether this is the right approach depends on the product. In particular, the Obama blueprint needs to retain two imperfect but important efforts to control costs: an independent commission empowered to recommend changes to Medicare, subject to an up-or-down congressional vote, and an excise tax on high-cost insurance plans.

[source : Summit Strategy, The Washington Post 21/2/2010 ]

The importance of the IMAC is stressed again later.

It could cherry-pick some of the best parts of health reform: the independent commission; expanding Medicaid; allowing children to stay on their parents' insurance plans until age 26; encouraging state or regional exchanges for individuals to buy coverage; establishing pilot programs to change the way health professionals are reimbursed.

NB the IMAC is suggested first, and also categorised as one "of the best parts of health reform".

So why is this IMAC so important?

Because it will have the unquestionable power to say, "Little old granny. You are the weakest link. Goodbye", and deny life saving treatment for the most curable of diseases...all to save money, which of course has been used to bailout the Bildermorgue Nazi Banks; J P Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs etc.

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